June 01, 2022
It's time to bring out your inner Interior Designer! We're here to help you create a stunning home that is as bold as you are.
Why does it work? It's simple: You'll find yourself surrounded by things that make sense together, so even busy areas look balanced and under control. When everything has a place, it just makes sense.
Here are 7 principles of interior design that will help you create an organized space that feels like home:
Balance is the principle of visual equilibrium. It involves using different elements that are in proportion to each other. A balanced room looks pleasing to the eye and feels harmonious to those who enter the space. Balance can be achieved by using a variety of elements within a room, such as furniture, lighting fixtures, artwork, and accessories; mainly shapes, colors, and patterns that are similar in size or weight. Overall a balanced room feels calm and comfortable.
When it comes to design, you have a few options. You can choose to make your focal point the most important element of your room, or you can use the contrast between light and dark, warm and cool colors or textures (e.g., shiny surfaces vs matte finishes), or large elements vs small ones.
You could also use lines: straight lines denote order and symmetry while curved lines create flow and movement; use them to bring attention to your focal point(s).
Lastly, consider color: complementary colors (opposites on the color wheel) will draw attention to each other like red/green or yellow/blue; analogous colors (near-matching hues) create unity when paired together in different shades for an overall effect that brings the focus back towards that centerpiece again!
Size matters! Make sure each item within sight is close enough so everything appears cohesive but not too close together because then it looks cluttered instead
Rhythm is the repetition of the same element or pattern. This can be achieved in many ways: through the use of colors and patterns, and the repetition of furniture pieces or lighting fixtures. The most common way to create rhythm is by repeating similar elements throughout a room, such as placing two art pieces on either side of a sofa table.
Proportion and scale are two different concepts, but they work hand in hand to maintain balance and harmony in a room.
Proportion is the size of elements in relation to each other. For example, if you have a large dining room table with four chairs around it, proportionally speaking those chairs should be smaller than the tabletop. On the other hand, scale refers to how big or small everything looks compared to its surroundings; for example, if you have an enormous window that's taking up most of one wall (or even worse: two walls!), then everything else needs to be scaled down so that it doesn't feel out of place. Proportional relationships help create balance within a room—they're like yin-yang; every element has an opposite that helps round out your design scheme.
If you’ve read this far, then you already know that harmony and unity are important elements of interior design. But what do they mean?
Harmony is the union of elements in a design; it’s achieved through contrast and repetition. Unity is the principle of combining all the elements in a design into a unified whole; it’s achieved through contrast and repetition. So think of harmony as being on one side of a coin, and unity as being on the other side of that same coin.
When you achieve harmony in your home, it means that each item works together with other items to create an overall feeling within your space—a feeling that pulls all those individual parts together into one unified whole. You want to ensure that everything complements each other without clashing or overpowering anything else—and this feeling can be achieved by using contrasting colors or materials (like wood against metal), repeating certain shapes throughout different pieces (like circles), or even repeating certain patterns across multiple surfaces (like stripes).
Contrast is the difference between two or more things. In interior design, contrast can be used to create visual interest in a space, add drama helps to create depth in a room. Contrast can be achieved by varying textures (i.e., soft vs hard), colors (i.e., warm vs cool), shapes (i.e., geometric vs organic), patterns (i.e., geometric vs organic), materials (i.e., wood vs metal). The use of contrast also allows for emphasis on certain elements within a room—by playing up an individual piece of furniture or feature wall you can draw attention to it without overpowering your overall design scheme.
Color is a visual language that helps communicate ideas and emotions. Whether you are using color to make a mood, create a theme, or use it to create contrast or balance, your choice of colors can have a significant impact on the way people perceive your space.
Color is also used in interior design to create focal points—places where the eye naturally falls when entering a room. By choosing just one or two colors for these focal points, you can ensure that they stand out from everything else in the room.
There are many principles of interior design besides those listed here. These are just some of the most basic concepts for anyone who is new to this field of study or looking for inspiration for their first project! If you are interested in learning more about this field, then get started today by designing something small like your bedroom or closet—and don't forget to have fun doing it!
May 09, 2024
April 04, 2024